CCAN Action Fund MD Legislative Priorities 2025
Pass The RENEW Act (SB149/HB128)
Maryland is facing a structural deficit. The RENEW Act will bring in billions of new dollars to Maryland to help balance the budget and invest in climate solutions. These investments will pay dividends and ensure we stay on track to meet our climate mandates. Black and Brown communities, overburdened and underserved communities, elderly populations, the underinsured, and children are the most vulnerable to climate change impacts and extreme weather events- we cannot continue to leave these vulnerable communities behind without dedicating specific funding to our ambitious, forward-thinking climate change mitigation and adaptation programs in the state. Learn More>>
Abundant, Affordable Clean Energy Act
On the way to 100% Clean Energy, there are essential legislative changes required to ensure this transition provides maximum benefit to Marylanders. Maryland is in a very precarious energy situation. Our grid is managed by an organization called PJM. PJM’s policies, which are driven in a large part by fossil fuel interests, have been a hindrance to Maryland’s clean energy goals. This has delayed our ability to reach our climate goals and will increase utility bills, especially in the Baltimore Gas and Electric Region. Further, our current structure for incentivizing the clean energy transition is broken. Very few new clean energy projects are being constructed in the state other than distributed (rooftop) solar projects. The current structure uses Renewable Energy Credits and seeks to protect rate-payers by setting a cap (in the form of Alternative Compliance Payments) on what REC price would be paid. However, because of the high prices in REC markets, utilities have ended up paying Alternative Compliance Payments instead of buying RECs. The result is that rate-payer funds have not effectively been invested in the development of new clean energy. Learn More>>
Better Buildings MD
We all deserve affordable energy bills, clean air, and to stay safe and comfortable at home, school, and work – and this is possible, even amid extreme weather and unpredictable spikes in energy costs. Our homes and buildings weren’t built for the climate crisis, but our ability to withstand it requires them to be. Learn More>>