Electrify Howard County: For Clean, Green All-Electric Buildings
Victory! Bill CB-5 "The Clean New Buildings Act" Passed!
First step towards electrification of most new buildings
Will help meet HoCo's goal of 60% reduction in emissions by 2030
The “Clean New Buildings Climate Act” – CB5-2023 – would determine the county building code changes needed to end the burning of fossil fuels in new buildings and major renovations. This report would be in advance of the next round of building code revisions, in the spring of 2024.
In a state – Maryland – committed to a carbon-free electrical grid in coming years, the Howard County bill guarantees that almost all new buildings will be equipped with electric hot water systems and heat pumps for space heating and cooling, creating a zero-greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions future.
Howard County Councilmember Christiana Rigby introduces historic electrification bill for buildings
January-February 2023:
As the Council holds public hearings and worksessions, CCAN activists rally, testify, sign petitions, email and call their Councilmembers in support of CB5-2023
March 2023:
HowardCounty Council votes 4-1 to pass the “Clean New Buildings” bill! It’s signed into law on March 9, 2023.
VICTORY! Howard County Latest to Move Towards EliminatingFossil Fuel Use in New Buildings
Howard County Joins Neighboring Montgomery County in
Growing Trend to 'Electrify Everything' in the Face of Rapid Climate Change