Electing Climate Champions in Congress
We need to send climate champions to Congress. This election cycle could mean the end of any climate legislation in Congress for another generation, or it could unlock a Green New Deal. It all depends on whether we are going to get involved in elections and help elect candidates who will address the climate crisis. That’s why CCAN Action Fund is endorsing US Congresswoman Elaine Luria (VA-2), US Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger (VA-7), and US Congressman David Trone (MD-6). Together we can elect these climate champions and unlock life-saving clean energy legislation.

CCAN Action Fund is proud to endorse these three climate champions for the upcoming 2022 midterm election: Congresswoman Elaine Luria, Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger, and Congressman Trone. All three have been consistent champions of climate legislation. Each has received a 96% or higher lifetime score from the League of Conservation Voters, supported the Inflation Reduction Act, and has been a staunch defender of democracy. They are all in competitive races, and we are going to do our part to help get them elected.
Here’s how YOU can help elect climate champions
- Show up: One of the most effective ways to get more votes for a candidate is in person vote tripling. That looks like standing outside an early voting location, catching people as they leave and asking them to text three friends to vote right then and there. If you live in the region, the best thing you can do is to sign up for a shift of vote tripling. Click here to learn more about vote tripling.
- Write Letters: You can write letters to people in these districts and encourage them to come out and vote. This process is facilitated by Vote Forward and is a proven technique to increase voter turnout.
- Phone Bank: You can also sign up for virtual phone banks where you would have the chance to speak directly to swing voters and encourage them to come out for climate champions.
These climate champions voted for the Inflation Reduction Act which will meaningfully improve people’s lives and dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We are asking organizations that are based in either Maryland or Virginia to sign a resolution thanking the candidates for voting for the Inflation Reduction Act. Maryland based organizations can sign a resolution thanking Congressman Trone here. Virginia based organizations can sign a resolution thanking Congresswoman Luria here and Congresswoman Spanberger here.
How Else Can You Help Elect These Climate Champions to Congress?
Help us identify Maryland or Virginia-based organizations to sign a resolution thanking the candidates for voting for the Inflation Reduction Act.
Voting information for Virginia
Voting information for Maryland
Questions? Contact: jamie@chesapeakeclimate.org
This message has been authorized and paid for by CCAN Action Fund, PO Box 11138, Takoma Park, MD 20913, Albert Nunez, Treasurer. This message has not been authorized or approved by any candidate.